"hero" received more than 5,000 views in the first 2 months of being released !
click below to watch video
click player below to listen
(official release 10-14-2012)
mully : all vocals, guitars, keyboards, bass, drums, programming
click here to download/stream .mp3
click here to download .mp3 as .zip to computer
purchase "hero" at itunes
scroll down for lyrics and donation information
"hero" is a tribute to police officers everywhere with a positive and uplifting message. too often the fine men and women who wear a badge to work are taken for granted. this is my way of saying "thank you" for your courage, dedication and service.
the song is being made available as a free download from mullymusic.com for your own personal use. it is also available for sale at several online retailers.
all proceeds from the sale of "hero" will be donated to the national law enforcement officers memorial fund.
(even my production and distribution costs are being donated and will not be recouped from any sales amounts.)
you can make a donation via their website at the fundraising link i setup or here at mullymusic.com
thanks for listening.
stay safe.
: )
mullymusic - hero
you're my hero
and i want to thank you
for everything you do
i'll never forget
you're my hero
facing the dangers
watch over the strangers
you serve and protect
you sacrifice all your time
to fighting crime
your life's on the line
you make a difference every day
for not much pay
that's why i say
you're my hero
you're my hero
you're my hero
and i want to thank you
for everything you do
i'll never forget
you're my hero
some treat you unfairly
and thank you's come rarely
don't ever regret
you're dedicated to the fight
of what's wrong and right
see things black and white
you make a difference every day
good folks go astray
you lock them away
you're my hero
you're my hero
you're my hero
and i want to thank you
for everything you do
i'll never forget
you're my hero
you stand out in the crowd
and you should be so proud
you deserve our respect
you chose a life of loyalty
bring security
to humanity
you make a difference every day
in so many ways
what more can i say
you're my hero
and i want to thank you
for everything you do
i'll never forget
you're my hero
facing the dangers
watch over the strangers
you serve and protect
- you're my hero
- (be proud of the choice you've made)
- some treat you unfairly
- (be proud of the lives you've saved)
- and thank you's come rarely
- (be proud of the things you do)
- don't ever regret
- (remember we all depend on you)
- you're my hero
- (when everything's going wrong)
- you stand out in the crowd
- (we count on you to be strong)
- and you should be so proud
- (stay safe every day and night)
- you deserve our respect
- (we know that you'll always do what's right)
you're my hero
and i want to thank you
for everything you do
i'll never forget
you're my hero
words and music by mully.
copyright mullymusic / bmi.
reprinted by permission.
official release october 14, 2012
thanks to the following for their photo contributions and permission for usage with the video project of "hero".
all rights reserved :
10-42adam : http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0142002/photos/10-42adam/
bill scott : http://www.flickr.com/photos/billkatygemma/
bob dawes : http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0148002/photos/rsldaw/
bruce mccorrister : http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0145002/photos/9267053@N04/
burt lewis : http://www.flickr.com/photos/eastonburt/
christopher holmes : http://www.flickr.com/photos/41694433@N08/
cliff bemis : http://www.cliffbemis.com
connie shea : http://www.flickr.com/photos/73441567@N00/
dave heston : http://www.flickr.com/photos/d-g-h/
david haines : www.photosbyhaines.com * http://www.flickr.com/photos/croixboy/page125/
david nelson : http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0143002/photos/dcnelson0381/
easton police department : http://eastonpd.com/
edgar montes : http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0146002/photos/edgar_m2323/
elvert barnes : http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0149002/photos/perspective/
f, gao : http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0146002/photos/spamdude060/
giuseppe abalsamo : http://www.flickr.com/photos/abalsamo/
greater manchester police : http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0142002/photos/gmpolice1/
jeff dawson, director, lester public library (and photographer) : http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0146002/photos/lesterpubliclibrary/
karascorner : http://www.flickr.com/photos/karascorner/sets/72157617912051446/
karen portin : http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0140002/photos/kportin/
kenjonbro : http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0143002/photos/kenjonbro/
michael dinh : http://www.flickr.com/photos/lacamod/
nameonrice.com : http://www.flickr.com/photos/nameonrice/
north america police vehicles : http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0146002/photos/47807279@N05/
p/o fidler#4666-ppd : http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0144002/photos/philly_police/
paul keleher : http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0143002/photos/pkeleher/
ray mcfadyen : http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0140002/photos/speedpics_2/
raymond fudge : http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0143002/photos/avatar1/
revmedic : http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0145002/photos/90068050@N00/
rivarix : http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0148002/photos/rivarix/
robert magina : http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0145002/photos/49401850@N07/
robin low : http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0141002/photos/robinlow/
scott harms - la county : http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0140002/photos/slh_photography_2009/
shane murphy : http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0142002/photos/copcarman12/
sig meister : http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0149002/photos/48552960@N03/
steven sutterby : http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0142002/photos/absoluteartnet/
www.scpolicecruisers.com : http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0148002/photos/carolinajam/
zach alvarez : http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0144002/photos/zachalvarez/
very special thanks to jeff f, laurie t, mike t for your assistance with this project.
here's a sample of what others are saying about "hero"....
"thank you very much for this, thank you for supporting our police. god bless."
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"awesome video. i will email it to all our officers."
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"it is a wonderful song. thank you for your support."
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"thanks for the wonderful song and video. we will start the process of sharing this."
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"all the best and thanks for your support of law enforcement everywhere."
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"it sounds great!"
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"thanks so much for sharing. chief"
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"we would be honored to share this! great job, mully. thank you!"
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"thank you for your hard work. stay safe!"
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"i'll be happy to share this with our staff. thank you for developing the video and writing the song."
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"thanks for doing this in honor and support of law enforcement from around the world!"
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"thanks so much for sending this over! we'll share with the officers!"
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"thank you, very nice tribute!"
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"we have sent this round to our staff members. thank you for your support!"
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"thank you for such a moving video, mully"
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"thanks for the great tribute song. i will see how we can possibly use this in the future."
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"thanks, mully. i will pass this on to our officers."
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"wonderful job."
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"thanks, mully, for the tribute. we appreciate you sharing this with us. we don't think of ourselves as heros, just everyday people doing what we do to help others. its always nice to know we've made a difference for those around us."
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"mully, thank you for the tribute and suport of the national law enforcement officers memorial fund. i can't say we ever have seen a better collection of police in dress uniform photos. i really like the one with the officers standing near the vintage squad."
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"what a wonderful tribute to law enforcement. we will certainly post a link on our page. best regards."
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"mully, your song is wonderful and we would be pleased to share it with others."
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"i have shared the video link with several officers and appreciate what you are doing. take care."
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"mully, thanks for sharing your tribute song and bringing awareness to the memorial fund! keep up the good work!"
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"beautiful song, thank you for sharing! is now posted on our facebook page!"
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"thank you for sharing this with the law enforcement community. a song for the good guy's."
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"it was very touching to listen to that this morning as my shift started. thank you, mullymusic, for taking the time to appreciate "cops" all over the world!!"
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"thanks for thinking of us."
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"thanks, mully! we'll pass it along to our officers! excellent video and music!"
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"thank you for the video! we'll share it with our department. great job!"
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"thank you, mully. we we will proudly share your song as tribute for our fallen brothers and sisters and campaign for the officers memorial fund."
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"excellent!! thank you!"
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"thank you, mully! bless your heart for giving a damn."
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"mully, awesome, awesome song!!! you have every flavor of law enforcement in your video program and we are all a brotherhood, no matter blue or brown uniforms. thanks for the memorial song."
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"wow! very impressive, i like it. you did a lot of work on this project, thanks!"
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"mully, great song. thank you for sharing and we will share with everyone we know."
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"we're more than happy to share your song on our fb page. your song is a very touching tribute to all police officers. thank you for sharing it."